Friday, April 29, 2011


 My phone case created an awesome effect for this picture...

Feeling Fresh in my almost all white outfit. The all nude look made it fun to put on accessories today.. and play up the makeup with some bright lips, personal favorite!

I am so unbelievably happy that today is friday! :) this weekend should be a ton of fun!
My weekend is going to be late nights and early mornings I can feel it.
Starting a new bowling league in the morning.. wish me luck...
for bowling AND waking up at 7 am ! ahhhh!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mix and Match

I love the lighting in this picture!

Houndstooth printed skirt, red rose printed tee, denim shirt and black combat boots

Today I felt like being a little more unique than normal and  I mix and matched prints! These two prints together are one of my favorite, it has a classy yet edgy feel. My amazing photographer, my sister Sam, did an awesome job today with embracing the difficult lighting we had today. We took the pictures little later than normal but I'd say they turned out pretty swell!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I belive I can fly...

This dress is so flowy that I felt I needed a jumping picture !

A Maxi Dress with lace top and yellow cardigan

I was feeling like having a comfy day... Instead of wearing sweats I wore one of my favorites.. a maxi dress so comfy! :)



Summer shopping ! Just in time I made my very own summer inspiration board. Have a look at it...

Feel free to use it as well or make your own! Use this while shopping and you no doubt score the best looks of the season !


Sunday, April 24, 2011

What's She Wearing

White Lucky brand jeans, white wife beater tank, and a printed top

I LOVE THIS JEANS!! I bought them over the summer at the Lucky Brand outlet store for like $5/$10! WHATTA STEAL I KNOW?! :)

WOAHH! school starting!! GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS?! about 33 more days LEFT of SCHOOL!! Yipp-EEE! :)


So,  my spring break was AHHH-MAZINNGG!! :) my little bucket list I made...
Yeah this one
I decided to make a bucket list for my Spring Break it goes as follows:

1.  Stay up late and SLEEP IN FOR ONCE
2. Read the 4 chapters or so of the Great Gatsby for english
3. Have a "girls staycation" at a hotel here 
4. Get some followers haha 
5. Finish my article for R-Jeneration ( look it up.. great program at the Las Vegas Review Journal) 
6. Start and possibly.. if lucky.. finish some scholarships!

I say I did a pretty good job completing most of it. :)

Well I had a GREAT Easter!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Since Earth Day Was Yesturday...

I decieded to do a recyled project. I took a old big white hanes, lace from an old dress and bought a beaded collar

I started with this:

And ENDED with THIS!

I just took those few old pieces and sewed them on the shirt to give it a new life. Its easy, free, green and fun way to make old clothes look new!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Must read list

So today I was looking around my room and I decided to put my must read list on here these top 3 books are a must have when it comes to fashion books. 


Decades of Fashion: Seriously this 2 1/2 inch book is filled with millions of AH-MAZING pictures all through the decades starting in 1900. Great book to get your history on and get some great inspiration.


Gunn's Golden Rules: To start off I got this book signed by the very own Tim Gunn himself when he was having a book signing here in Vegas earlier in the year. This book has helped me learn how to be a better person. We all know Tim Gunn has the mature persona about him and this book tells you how to achieve this and its also super entertaining to read you feel like Mr. Gunn himself is sitting there talking you right then.


Style A to Zoe: I love Rachel Zoe, she is my idol. This book if your wanting to know anything about fashion this chick seriously hit every point in her book. This is one of my most prized possessions because of all the information in it just makes me want to be a stylist even more. There's pictures from her personal life, stars at events, hand drawn pictures its very eye appealing when you flip through the pages.

So there you have it my top 3 must read books. Want to have a good pool side read Gunn's Golden Rules is the book to choose. Want great inspiration and learn more about fashion history... Decades of Fashion is it. And Want to know all that goes into being a stylist Style A to Zoe is your very own textbook thats not as boring as the ones you read at school. 

Hope you are enjoying your spring break.. I know I am :) 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Its Friday, Friday...

GOTTA KICK IT DOWN ON FRIDAY! hahah just kidding :)

Vintage Jefferson Starship Shirt thanks to my awesome dad who kept it, floral H&M jacket, High-waisted burnt orange American Apparel Skirt

GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS!!! SPRING BREAK TIME! Yes you read right ... SPRING FlIPPING BREAK! its about time ha seriously. The day before any break is always so pointless, every class just has a party. But hey nothing wrong with that!

I decided to make a bucket list for my Spring Break it goes as follows:

1.  Stay up late and SLEEP IN FOR ONCE
2. Read the 4 chapters or so of the Great Gatsby for english
3. Have a "girls staycation" at a hotel here 
4. Get some followers haha 
5. Finish my article for R-Jeneration ( look it up.. great program at the Las Vegas Review Journal) 
6. Start and possibly.. if lucky.. finish some scholarships!


Top made by yours truely, Jeans Charolette Russe, Ring Forver 21, Black and silver Gladiators Payless
So to kick off Spring Break with a bang I saw SCREAM 4... it was actually pretty good and this is coming from the super whimp of all whimps when it comes to scary movies.. 

*Fun fact of the day: that top that I made is really a dress, I was feeling a bit chilly so I folded it under and tucked it in my jean like a shirt and waa-laa I have a whole new top. GREAT TRICK TO TRY SOMETIME! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's She Wearing

Hey Everyone! So I'm not sure how often I can do this, hopefully everyday, but this is "What's She Wearing" 
Pretty Understandable, its pictures and a description of what I wore that day. Hope you guys like!

Today, I am wearing a yellow cardigan from New York and Company, a gold top from Gap, a gold belt, light acid wash jeans from Target, gold earrings and a zipper bracelet that I got as a gift, and great brown and gold gladiators from Payless! 


Hey World! My name is Allison, I have recently become interested in the blogging world. So I decided to give it a try and heres my first post! I am a high school student and enjoy fashion. I just recently got early consideration to FIDM(fashion institute of design and merchandising) for a visual communication major, I hope to be a fashion stylist someday. So back to this, I am hoping that this becomes a fashion blog for high school students like myself. I am so excited to start this off!

So as this is a fashion blog I will share with you all my tips and tricks that I have hidden up my sleeve.