Saturday, April 16, 2011

Its Friday, Friday...

GOTTA KICK IT DOWN ON FRIDAY! hahah just kidding :)

Vintage Jefferson Starship Shirt thanks to my awesome dad who kept it, floral H&M jacket, High-waisted burnt orange American Apparel Skirt

GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS!!! SPRING BREAK TIME! Yes you read right ... SPRING FlIPPING BREAK! its about time ha seriously. The day before any break is always so pointless, every class just has a party. But hey nothing wrong with that!

I decided to make a bucket list for my Spring Break it goes as follows:

1.  Stay up late and SLEEP IN FOR ONCE
2. Read the 4 chapters or so of the Great Gatsby for english
3. Have a "girls staycation" at a hotel here 
4. Get some followers haha 
5. Finish my article for R-Jeneration ( look it up.. great program at the Las Vegas Review Journal) 
6. Start and possibly.. if lucky.. finish some scholarships!


Top made by yours truely, Jeans Charolette Russe, Ring Forver 21, Black and silver Gladiators Payless
So to kick off Spring Break with a bang I saw SCREAM 4... it was actually pretty good and this is coming from the super whimp of all whimps when it comes to scary movies.. 

*Fun fact of the day: that top that I made is really a dress, I was feeling a bit chilly so I folded it under and tucked it in my jean like a shirt and waa-laa I have a whole new top. GREAT TRICK TO TRY SOMETIME! 

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