Monday, August 15, 2011

Pumped Up Kicks

Besides the fact that I love that song by Foster and the People... I love my new shoes that I designed all by myself!
Savers has become my new best friend lets put it that way, and sorry I haven't posted in awhile life's been crazy lately.

But here is a look at some of what I have been doing ....
                                                         I started with this..
                                                            Than it became like this..

                                                                       Ended with this!

                                                                  BEFORE AND AFTER

They were the perfect finish for this outfit, gave it that special punch of uniqueness it needed.

Ps. I love this shirt!! So flowy and so rich in color cant help but feel totally fabulous in it.

I am going to make this a massive post filled with bunch of randomness as well so top things that are on my mind lately:
1. SCHOOL STARTS IN TWO WEEKS!! CLASS OF 2012 BABY! -I'm finally a senior?! and I'm taking my senior pictures next week so bittersweet!
2. I think I am going to keep up with these DIY projects, I am working on one right now that I can't wait to share!!
3. I need to clean my room please excuse the minor mess you can see in some of my shoe pictures haha

Well thats all folks!!(insert bugs bunny voice here)

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